Our activities

Launch of psychosocial activities of the “Zanmi Timoun” foundation in refugee camps in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince

On Monday August 28, 2023, the “Zanmi Timoun” Foundation launched a series of psychosocial activities in the various temporary accommodation camps in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince. These socio-educational and cultural activities led by the organization’s psychologists and social workers aim to support refugee children following attacks by armed groups in the Carrefour-Feuilles area.

The activities called “Return to joy” of Zanmi Timoun took place mainly at the Republic of Paraguay National School and at the Pyramid Classic School, etc. Child victims of attacks by armed groups in the Carrefour-Feuilles area and other working-class neighborhoods aim to help children recover and manage stress and traumatic experiences during the last two weeks.

The “Zanmi Timoun” Foundation, an organization promoting and defending children’s rights, is saddened by the situation of children and young people displaced following repeated attacks by armed groups. She places herself alongside the victims for psycho-social support in order to cope with this traumatic situation. The “Zanmi Timoun” foundation also asks government authorities to assume their responsibilities towards the victim populations and work for the return to normality in the country in general and in working-class neighborhoods in particular. The children of today are the adults of tomorrow.