Press note

Four child victims in less than 8 days, the “Zanmi Timoun” Foundation calls for respect for children’s right to life

The situation of generalized insecurity that is taking hold in the country spares no one, especially children. In less than eight days, four children became victims of this chaotic situation: Samuel Jean Louis, a student at Carrefour Feuille High School, was shot in the head in the Caridad area on Wednesday May 24, 2023; Denis Paul Loubendy and Denis Loudison, both aged 13 and 12 respectively, were shot in the head and the other in the heart on Monday May 29, 2023 in the Carrefour area. Péan and Jeudy Bedwing, a 9-year-old child, student at the Brother Raymond Mixed College in the second fundamental year, was shot in the leg in the Mon Repos area (commune of Carrefour). Considering all these cases of crime perpetrated against children, the “Zanmi Timoun” Foundation condemns their perpetrators as well as the complicit silence of the state authorities to whom these acts are attributable.

Wearing a uniform throughout our country’s history has always been a sign of protection. Therefore, it should be noted that these aforementioned children were victims while they were going to or returning from school. If we refer to history, the assassination of three schoolchildren (Jean Robert Cius, Daniel Israel and Mackinson Michel) in Gonaïves on November 28, 1985 or of Roseline Vaval on March 5, 1990 in Petit Gôave greatly aroused anger of the population until leading to the departure of the powers in place. To this list can be added, more recently, the names of Roberto Badio Thelusma and Evelyne Sincère, not to mention all the child victims of the massacres in working-class neighborhoods. It is important that children feel safe in their schools, homes and on the streets.


In addition, the Haitian constitution of 1987, the conventions, agreements and international treaties signed and ratified by Haiti impose a great obligation on the State towards children with regard to their protection. Indeed, Article 3 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child makes the interests of the child a primary consideration. Consequently, the “Zanmi Timoun” Foundation urges the government of the Republic to create a climate conducive to guaranteeing the right to life of the population, especially that of children because even in times of war children must be exempt from all violence. The “Zanmi Timoun” Foundation demands from those in power better conditions for the development and development of children on the national territory.

Done in Port-au-Prince, June 6, 2023


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